About the Library

The mission of Marvin E. McKee Library, Oklahoma Panhandle State University (OPSU) is to select, acquire, organize, and preserve relevant materials to support the educational curriculum of OPSU. The library facilitates the dissemination of information through the organization and arrangement for access and use, and through the provision of appropriate information services for the students, faculty, and staff of the university and for the surrounding community.
In other words, our mission is to provide access to information and material you will need to succeed at the university and act as a resource for the surrounding community.
Resources Available in the Library
The purpose of the library is to provide resources and support to help students and staff with their work. Like all libraries we hold three types of resources: information, equipment, and space. The library catalog is your access point to our information resource. It lists what we have and whether the information is available for you to use. The equipment we hold for your use includes computers, a printer, headphones, etc. Finally, the space we have is designated for your use to study and gather in small groups.