
The library is your resource for computer access and printing, as well as other equipment checkouts. We curate our equipment depository to fit your needs. If there is something you think we should have, please don’t hesitate to ask.


We have desktop computers on the first and second floors, as well as laptops and chromebooks available for checkout. All laptops and desktop computers are password protected.

To log in, you must use your OPSU username (your OPSU email address or Aggie Access username) and password (your OPSU email password). For community users or guests, you can log on with the OPSU guest username and password.


We have one communal printer for public use. It is free to use. To get your print outs, you must log-in to the printer with your OPSU campus ID; community users and guests can use the OPSU guest ID.

Our printer is named

Registering your ID on the printer

If you have never printed at the library, you may have to register your ID on the printer. If you have printed and your ID is no longer working, you may have to register again.

How to register:

  1. Swipe your ID card in the reader
  2. Enter your Aggie Access username.
  3. Enter your OPSU email password.

    If a print queue appears, you have successfully registered and your card will work by itself from now on.

    Miscellaneous Equipment

    All miscellaneous items for checkout are located behind the circulation desk or in storage. To check them out, please present your request and an ID at the circulation desk. Everything is cleaned after it is checked back in.

    Items for checkout:

    • reader scanner
    • small projector
    • large projector screen
    • portable record player
    • headphones
    • CPR dummy
    • solar powered scientific calculator