Join Student Government Association

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Becoming a Student Senator

Senators are elected from the following four divisions at OPSU: Academic Area, Housing, Student Class, and Campus Organizations.

  • Each Academic Area elects one Senator to represent it. To be elected an Academic Area Senator, a student must be officially listed as a major or minor in the department.
  • Two Senators are elected from each major residence hall, two from Married Student Housing, and two from Off-Campus housing.
  • Two Senators are elected from each class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior). A student’s classification is determined based on credit hours.
  • Each chartered campus organization elects one Senator from its membership.

Student Senator requirements

  • Be an association member enrolled in at least 12 hours
  • Other than first semester Freshmen, must possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • If representing an academic area, housing unit, or class, be officially listed as a major in the department, resident of the living unit, or officially classified as a member of the represented class based on hours

To become a Student Senator

  1. Fill out an Application for OPSU Student Senator (available in the Office of the Student Association or download below) and check the field you wish to represent to enter the election for Senator.
  2. Unless you are filing to be a Campus Organization Senator, 25 signatures are required. Just have them sign the back of your application. Signatures do not need to be from the area the student is planning on representing (though it is encouraged).
  3. Have the appropriate Department Head, Residency Area Director, or Director of Student services sign your form and turn it in to the Office of the Student Association.

The Student Senate will host the election on the last full week of classes in March. Campus Organization Senator elections are to be hosted by the organizations. Election of Freshman Senators will take place at a class meeting during the first full week of classes in the fall semester.

Download Student Senator Application (PDF)

Becoming an Association/Senate Officer

  • There are seven Executive officers in the Student Association and Student Senate: President, Vice-President/Senate President, Secretary, Treasurer, President Pro-Tempore, Correspondence Secretary, and Parliamentarian.
  • The President, Vice-President/Senate President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected during the last full week of classes in March. The President Pro-Tempore, Correspondence Secretary, and Parliamentarian are elected from the body of the Senate.
  • The requirements for Association/Senate Officer can be found in the OPSU Student Association Constitution.

To become an Association/Senate Officer, fill out an Application for OPSU Student Association Officer (available in the Office of the Student Association or download below). You may run for as many offices as you qualify for but may only occupy one.

Download Association/Senate Officer Application (PDF)