Ramon Family

The Panhandle State Association of Alumni and Friends is excited to announce the selection of the 2021 Honored Family, the Ramon Family. The Ramon family has ten members spanning three generations who attended Oklahoma Panhandle State University.
University President, Dr. Tim Faltyn said, “I’m excited to honor the Ramon family as our 2021 Honored Family! They have given to Panhandle State so much through three generations, and it’s time we celebrate that!”
The Ramon family will be recognized as the 2021 Honored Family on September 25th at the Panhandle State Homecoming.
Dr. Ramon changed the course of his family’s history when he became a first-generation college graduate from OPSU. His children and grandchildren followed his lead to complete degrees at Panhandle State and complete graduate degrees. Their education from OPSU has served as a solid foundation for other academic and professional achievements. All have remained advocates of Panhandle State.
Dr. Serafin Ramon is a first-generation college graduate. Dr. Ramon grew up in Stratford, TX, with five siblings. In addition to his Bachelor of Science in Biology from OPSU (1957), Dr. Ramon obtained a Master’s Degree from New Mexico State University and a Ph.D. in Cytogenetics from Kansas University. Dr. Ramon returned to OPSU in 1959 and served as faculty for forty-two years. After retiring in 2001, Dr. Ramon returned to Panhandle State for four years to continue teaching until 2005. Dr. Ramon continues to be active at OPSU events.
Dr. Ramon married VaLois (Pittman) Ramon in 1958. Valois graduated from OPSU in 1972 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in English. Dr. Ramon and VaLois were models of service and education in many ways throughout their years in Goodwell. All three of their children, their children’s spouses, and a granddaughter are OPSU graduates. Their grandson is currently a student at OPSU.
Tindle Ramon (1981) graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and is currently the CFO for First National Bank in Spearman, TX. He graduated from the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking in 1991.Tindle’s wife, Kristi (1985 & 1988), graduated with degrees in Home Economics and Elementary Education. Their daughter, Nicole (Ramon) Neumeier (2007), graduated with a Bachelor of Education.
Feliza (Ramon) Carter and her husband, Dr. Todd Carter, both graduated from Panhandle State. Feliza, (1982) graduated with a Bachelor of Business in Accounting and is a librarian for Liberal Kansas ISD. Dr. Carter, (1981) graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Natural Science and is the Superintendent for Liberal Kansas ISD.
Tenoch Ramon earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology (2000). He has been a Biology faculty member for fifteen years. His wife, Rene, earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2011. Rene has worked at Panhandle State since 2004 and is now the Director of Counseling, Testing, and Disability Services. Their son, Cayden Ramon, is currently a student at OPSU.
Dr. Ramon’s service to education stretched beyond his service at OPSU. Dr. Ramon served on the Goodwell ISD school board for twenty-two years. During this time, he also served on the Oklahoma State School Board Association (OSSBA) and was president of the association in 1990. As president of the OSSBA, Dr. Ramon delivered a controversial yet pivotal speech highlighting the low numbers of women in school administration. His efforts began discussions and contributed to the advancement of women into administrative positions in Oklahoma public schools.