Alumni Honored Family Nomination

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The Alumni Honored Family is to be comprised of people who have contributed in some way to the growth, well-being, or public image of Oklahoma Panhandle State University. Candidates may qualify regardless of sex, race, creed, denomination, or political party.


To be considered as the Honored Family:

  1. Must have attended PAI, PAMC, PSC, or OPSU.
  2. Must have multiple members from multiple generations who attended and/or graduated.
  3. Should have a history of involvement and leadership in campus activities.
  4. Must have contributed in some way to support OPSU since attending.

The Honored Family Members must also:

  1. Be a loyal supporter of Oklahoma Panhandle State University.
  2. Have and maintain a high standard of unquestionable ethics and morals.
  3. Attend the Alumni Honored Family induction unless deceased or extenuating circumstances prevent attendance.
  4. Not be a member of any subversive group in the United States of America.
  5. Submit biological information for publication.

The board of directors of the Panhandle State Association of Alumni and Friends has the sole power to deny induction into the Alumni Honored Family should said Honorees fail to meet the abovementioned requirements. The board of directors also has the sole power to revoke this award should the honorees fail to maintain the standards.


Any member of the Panhandle Association of Alumni and Friends may nominate a candidate for the Alumni Honored Family by completing this form.

Alumni Honored Family Nomination Form

Your Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Nominee's Name
Nominee's Address

Biographical Information:

Please give as much information about the family as possible. Included a complete list of Family members with attendance/graduation dates, notable contributions, and alumni association memberships (annual and/or life.)