Alumni Ambassador Hall of Fame Nomination

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The Alumni Ambassador Hall of Fame is to be comprised of people who have contributed substantially to the growth, well-being, or public image of Oklahoma Panhandle State University. A candidate may be an alumnus or non-alumnus elected into the hall as a member (alumnus) or honorary member (non-alumnus). A candidate may qualify regardless of sex, race, creed, denomination, or political party.


To be considered a candidate must have made substantial contributions in one of the following ways:

  1. Oustanding support to the university through physical and/or mental contributions.
  2. Distinguished contributions and/or leadership within his/her profession.
  3. Distinguished contributions and/or leadership with his/her community, state, or nation.

A candidate must also:

  1. Be a loyal supporter of Oklahoma Panhandle State University.
  2. Have and maintain a high standard of unquestionable ethics and morals.
  3. He/she must be present at his/her initiation into the Alumni Ambassador Hall of Fame unless deceased or extenuating circumstances prevent attendance.
  4. Not be a member of any subversive group in the United States of America.
  5. Not be considered below the age of 45 unless it can be shown that he/she possesses exceptional qualifications.

The board of directors of the Panhandle State Association of Alumni and Friends has the sole power to deny membership into the Alumni Ambassador Hall of Fame should said candidate fail revoke membership should the member fail to maintain the standards.


Any member of the Panhandle State Association of Alumni and Friends may nominate candidates for the Alumni Ambassador Hall of Fame by completing this form.

Alumni Ambassador Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Your Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Nominee's Name
Nominee's Address