Dana Collins

Dana Collins is the Director of Human Resources at Panhandle State.

Dana Collins

I enjoy the people: my co-workers, student workers and the community members. I love the positive impact OPSU has made in so many individuals’ lives.

Dana Collins

Collins moved to Guymon, Okla. after her husband accepted a fourth grade teaching job in the Guymon Public Schools. After living in Guymon for awhile, Collins decided to attend Panhandle State and pursue a degree in finance. She graduated Cum Laude in 2006 with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration. In 2008, She earned a master’s degree from Drexel University.

While attending Panhandle State, Collins worked as a student worker for McKee Library before accepting a full time position in the campus bookstore, then served as an Insurance Coordinator/Payroll Clerk and Wellness Coordinator.

Collins said, “I enjoy the people: my co-workers, student workers and the community members. I love the positive impact OPSU has made in so many individuals’ lives.”

She is currently responsible for employee relations and onboarding, coordinating benefit programs and reconciliation, maintenance of payroll and personnel records, job vacancies and workers compensation.

“I am currently working with the staff handbook committee and Assessment Coordinator to update handbooks, policies and procedures, and anticipate all job descriptions updated by 2020. My major “wish list” goal is to get all the employee records in electronic format…to go paperless.”

Comptroller Liz McMurphy said, “All over campus we’ve seen numerous positive changes and the Payroll/HR department has seen its fair share of its own changes. One thing that hasn’t changed is the person that keeps it all running smoothly behind the scenes. Dana’s consistency and commitment has not gone unnoticed. We are very proud of her positive attitude amidst a downsize in staff, changing processes, and other various challenges faced in the past few semesters. We are better because of Dana’s contribution to OPSU.”

Her personal hobbies include gardening and fitness, “both are very therapeutic.” Collins is an active member of the Ultra Runners group in Guymon. She and her family are active in the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Guymon.

She added, “My husband Philip and I enjoy running and participating in Spartan events. We actually started half marathon training in February. It’s his first half, so I want to be there to support him.” The couple also enjoys watching their daughter in her dance events and taking her swimming. Collins also added, “I love that my son is attending OPSU so I get to see him every day, even when he just needs money for lunch.”

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