Responsibility & Integrity

Home Policies & Procedures Responsibility & Integrity

Student Responsibility for Completion of Requirements

In advising and registering students, faculty advisors, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Registrar try to prevent errors. The student is expected to remember that graduation and teacher certification are attained according to the University catalog and is expected to study the requirements as set forth and to register in accordance therewith. In registering, the student is to follow the procedures as prescribed by the Registrar. Ultimately, each student is responsible for meeting graduation requirements.

Academic Integrity Agreement

An institution’s reputation and intellectual freedom depend on its uncompromising commitment to the ideal of academic integrity. OPSU is committed to instilling and upholding integrity as a core value. OPSU is dedicated to maintaining and honest academic environment and ensuring fair resolution of alleged violations of academic integrity.

Academic integrity is required in every aspect of a student’s association with OPSU. Students will respect OPSU’s commitment to academic integrity and uphold the values of honesty and responsibility that preserve our academic community. For more information on this subject, please reference the OPSU General Catalog.

I agree to demonstrate academic integrity through the following actions:

  • understand and uphold the academic integrity guidelines established by the university and instructors.
  • present my own work for evaluation by my instructors.
  • appropriately cite the words and ideas of others.
  • Protect the responsibility for my own actions.
  • accept the responsibility for my own actions.
  • treat instructors with respect when violations of academic integrity are examined.