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Virtual Day
OPSU will have a virtual day on February 19, 2025. The campus will be closed, but classes may meet virtually. Check Aggie Scholars for details. All OPSU offices will be available online. Please check the Aggie Alert App,, and social media for updates.

Enrollment Appeal Petition

Home Office of the Registrar Enrollment Appeal Petition

An Enrollment Appeal Petition is a type of appeal process for students who 1) have experienced an emergency or extraordinary circumstance that affects their ability to attend school or 2) believe that their enrollment or billing statement is incorrect due to a processing error. Examples of emergency/extraordinary circumstances may include situations such as a severe or unexpected illness resulting in hospitalization, the death of an immediate family member, military service obligations or relocation/deployment/training orders, or employment relocation to another state.

You assume the burden of proof for your appeal.

Submitting an appeal does not warrant automatic approval. A letter of approval or denial will be emailed to you from the Registrar’s Office. Please allow 30-45 business days for your appeal to be processed. Please allow additional time at the beginning or end of the term.

Before completing this form, please note documentation will be required to be uploaded.

Documentation required:

  1. Include a typed explanation of your extenuating circumstances with the appeal. Any assertions you make in your explanation must be documented.
  2. Include official documentation of the extenuating circumstances (for example: police report, military orders, a letter from employer, etc.) listing specific dates relevant to your appeal. Appeals submitted without sufficient documentation will be denied.

The deadline for filing an Enrollment Appeal is six months from the date the grade was assigned or six months from the semester in which the billing occurred. You are responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures written in the college catalog and/or class schedule regarding refund, billing, and drop/withdrawal deadlines. A written policy will take precedence over any verbal communication you may have with faculty, staff, or students at Oklahoma Panhandle State University. Failure to attend, drop a class, or receive financial aid does not relieve you of your financial obligation to the institution and does not warrant an enrollment appeal.

This appeal is used to request a waiver of University Policy. For example, you may have special circumstances where you need to drop a course after the University deadline or believes that his or her enrollment or billing statement is incorrect due to a processing error. Performing poorly in a course is not a justification for submitting this appeal.

Appeals to withdraw late or obtain a tuition refund may be granted only for severe, extenuating circumstances, such as a natural disaster, military, active duty activation, the death of an immediate family member, etc.