OPSU Shooting Sports Team

Nov 30, 2023

Natasha Eidson

OPSU Shooting Sports Team’s Success During Fall Competitions

The Shooting Sports Team at Oklahoma Panhandle State University has displayed exceptional talent during the fall semester, marking a series of wins across multiple competitions and events.

The team combines seasoned returnees and promising newcomers, demonstrating skill and leadership. The returning members are Austin Jacobs, Harrison Funderburk, Cameron Smith, Daniel Byers, Emily Robertson, John Lindley, Rhett Green, and Zach Willis. Trent Downey, Destry Roye, Tyler Davis, and Bjorn Genty joined the team this fall, adding a fresh perspective to the team’s capabilities.

The fall semester saw the team’s extensive travel to various competition destinations, including Hays, Kansas; Sparta, Illinois; Waco, Texas; and North Platte, Nebraska. In all the different settings and ranges, the OPSU Shooting Sports Team showcased their marksmanship, competing against top-tier opponents and exhibiting determination.

Collaborating with the OPSU Alumni Association during the Homecoming weekend, the team hosted and participated in the Panhandle Shootout. Emily Robertson secured the HOA Individual & HOA Female titles with an impressive score of 97, and Trent Downey claimed the HOA Male title with a score of 95. The team also won first-place positions in Trap and Skeet events, showcasing their collective strength and expertise.

In addition to their competitions, the team joined the College of Agriculture, Science, and Nursing to host the Interscholastic FFA Contest for high school students, fostering community engagement and sharing their passion for shooting sports.

Reflecting on the semester, Coach Dixon commented, “We had a tough start to our semester due to NCSSAA canceling our shoots, but we are hoping to make up for the loss in the spring semester. The team has done their best to work with what we have been dealt. I am looking forward to a very competitive spring semester!”

National Collegiate Champion for Division 4 Skeet, Emily Robertson, expressed her optimism for the upcoming season, stating, “I’m eager to continue pushing boundaries and working with this team to achieve greater heights. The setbacks have only fueled our determination, and I’m optimistic about what we can accomplish in the spring semester.”

The OPSU Shooting Sports Team set their sights on the upcoming spring semester. They stand firm to build upon their successes, showcasing their commitment to excellence in the realm of shooting sports.

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