Sep 7, 2022

Panhandle State Communications

President of Oklahoma’s Only Public HSI, Dr. Julie Dinger, Selected for HACU La Academia

Dr. Julie Dinger, Oklahoma Panhandle State University President, has been selected for the Fourth Cohort of La Academia de Liderazgo of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). HACU announced that 39 fellows have been selected to be a part of its Leadership Academy designed to increase diverse representation in executive and senior-level positions in higher education.

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities represents more than 500 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America, Spain and U.S. school districts. The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities fulfills its mission by promoting the development of member colleges and universities; improving access to and the quality of post-secondary educational opportunities for Hispanic students; and meeting the needs of business, industry and government through the development and sharing of resources, information and expertise.

Oklahoma Panhandle State University was recognized in 2018 as being Oklahoma’s first and only public Hispanic Serving Institution.

Dr. Dinger stated, “I am honored that the Leadership Team of La Academia chose me for this opportunity, I am thankful to be allowed to learn and grow within La Academia. I look forward to continuing to build the already strong reputation of OPSU as Oklahoma’s first and only public HSI at the national and international level.”

La Academia is designed to increase the number of talented individuals who aspire to leadership positions of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). Fellows selected for the program participate in an array of leadership development activities that will not only prepare them for leadership roles in the full spectrum of institutions of higher learning but will especially sensitize and mold them for leadership positions within HSIs.

Valentina Allen, Dean of Student Services and Director of El Centro, OPSU’s Hispanic Student Center, said, “I am very proud to have Dr. Dinger represent our institution and our community in this program. The HACU La Academia is always a very competitive process, in which those who show the most promise as leaders in Hispanic Serving Institutions are selected. Dr. Dinger has been instrumental the last five years in the efforts of serving our community and developing resources for our Hispanic youth. The Hispanic Student Center (El Centro) stands alongside Dr. Dinger as she continues to grow and develop as a leader for our institution. Dr. Dinger es familia, y como una familia, la vamos a soportar. We are very excited for the future!”

Dr. Dinger will participate in a holistic curriculum that emphasizes the fundamentals of leadership and current critical issues for Hispanic Serving Institutions as well as international relations. The one-year fellowship program includes webinars and three seminars, with an orientation webinar on Sept. 21, 2022. The first seminar will be held in Oct. 2022 in conjunction with HACU’s 36th Annual Conference. The second seminar will be held in Washington, D.C., in April 2023, at HACU’s National Capitol Forum. The third seminar will take place at an international seminar to be held in the spring or summer of 2023.

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