Jan 28, 2021
Goodwell, Okla. — During this season of giving, the Oklahoma Panhandle State University Association of Alumni and Friends has the perfect opportunity for you to invest in the future during a 60-day fundraising campaign. The Panhandle State Giving Challenge started December 15, 2018 and runs through February 15, 2019.
University President Dr. Tim Faltyn said, “Not only does this challenge allow those that have been such a key part of our history to give back, but it is also a great chance for our Aggie family members to impact the future and come alongside our vision of helping students reach the promise of their potential.”
The Giving Challenge is designed to raise awareness and funding for two important parts of the Alumni Association; the alumni scholarship and an alumni events fund. Donations will make it possible for the Alumni Association to reach the goal of hosting five alumni events across the region in 2019. Graduating classes are challenged to compete with each other, and the class totaling the most donations will win a reception of their choosing.
Vice President of Outreach Dr. Ryan Blanton added, “Donations will be used to fund future education through an alumni scholarship with additional funds making it possible for Alumni to connect at a number of upcoming alumni events.
Alumni Association Director Natasha Eidson is excited for the opportunities this campaign will bring with it.” I believe this fundraiser will be an exciting time for Alumni to reconnect with previous classmates. My hope is that it will challenge everyone to give back and also have fun while doing it. Any amount given is greatly appreciated. There will be two classes to receive a reception, the class with the most amount given and the class with the most donations given.”
A complete list of donor levels and benefits can be found at giving.opsu.edu. Every donor will be put in a drawing for seats with President Faltyn at the 2019 Homecoming Football game and those giving over $100 will receive a commemorative coin. Donations over $10,000 qualify for seats with President Faltyn at the College National Finals Rodeo in June of 2019.
Alumni President Diane Murphey said, “I am excited for this opportunity that allows Alumni to work with the University, and the Foundation to continue the excellence that is Panhandle as well as reconnect with friends and classmates.”
Donation can be submitted online at giving.opsu.edu or mailed to Panhandle State, Attn: Alumni Office, PO Box 430, Goodwell, Oklahoma 73939.