Haynes’ Power Plant

New in 1962, the 2,728-square foot campus power plant located on the northwest corner of the Oklahoma Panhandle State College of Agricultural and Applied Science (PSC) had no name. During the 1969 spring alumni banquet, participants voted on names for some unnamed campus buildings, and so Johnnie Haynes was honored by ascribing his name to the power plant. On May 2, 1969, PSC President Dr. Marvin McKee asked that the Board of Regents for Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges approve the naming of the Haynes’ Power Plant, Holter Hall, Hamilton Hall, Carter Hall, and Hefley Hall at the same time. Dr. McKee offered the buildings’ dedicatory address at the April 1970 alumni banquet. The Haynes’ Power Plant contains the Oklahoma Panhandle State University’s main boiler which provides steam for hot water in the Holter Hall dormitory and the Student Union’s kitchen.
As an employee, Johnnie Haynes tirelessly served campus as the superintendent of buildings and grounds from 1933 until 1958. He and his family lived in several homes on campus during his employ. He even took a leave of absence to travel to Franklin, Louisiana, in 1944 with Panhandle Agricultural and Mechanical College (PAMC) President Ed Morrison and his family when Mr. Morrison resigned his position to become the superintendent of the Glencoe-Vacherle Plantation. Mr. Haynes helped establish the Morrisons’ home before he returned to his duties on campus.