Emerald Club Vehicle Rental Enrollment
Enroll in the Emerald Club rental membership to receive club benefits such as choose your own car, bypass the counter at most major airports, receive helpful arrival and return alerts, earn free rental days, and expedite returns with automatic e-receipts.
Travel Planning
OPSU has partnered with Corporate Travel Planners, powered by CTM, to provide a user-friendly, online booking tool and agent-assisted business travel service.
Travel Reimbursement
Faculty/Staff – I’ve addressed a few issues we’ve been having with travel reimbursements. As always, please come to me with any questions you may have regarding travel reimbursement. I have no problem going over any of these items or items in the travel reimbursement guide (PDF).
If you need help filling out a travel reimbursement form (PDF) please do not hesitate to give me a call (Ext. 1400), email (abby@opsu.edu), or come by my office (SL 137). I’m always happy to help!
Deans – If you have adjunct faculty that may be traveling, please go over this information with them, or refer them to me for any questions they may have.
This information will also apply to travel purchases charged to the p-card in the same situations. Please be mindful of getting the proper documentation beforehand where it pertains and please ask if you have questions before charging to your card. We’re glad to answer any questions. Thank you.