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Delayed Start
Due to weather and road conditions, OPSU will have a delayed start on January 21, 2025. Offices and academic buildings will open at 10am. Please be safe and use your best judgment when traveling. We will continue to evaluate weather and road conditions as they develop and will announce further delays or closures.

Student Worker New Hire Guide

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Student Worker New Hire Guide

Student Code of Conduct

Oklahoma Panhandle State University (OPSU) is committed to creating and maintaining a productive living and learning community that fosters the intellectual, personal, cultural, and ethical development of its students. Sef-discipline and valuing the rights of others are essential to the educational process and to good citizenship. Attending Oklahoma Panhandle State University is a privilege and students are expected to meet or exceed the University’s standards of conduct both on and off campus.

Student Code of Conduct

How & Where to Advertise Student Positions

  1. Post open positions to the Campus Jobs website and receive applications.
  2. You can also post flyers throughout campus.
  3. Submit a Marketing Request to have the position posted on OPSU social media.

Hiring Process

  1. After you have reviewed the applications and have found a student, follow the respective steps for the type of new hire:
    1. New Student Worker
      1. Complete the New Student Hire Packet
        • This is for students who have never worked a campus position before.
      2. The I-9 is a critical legal document that is required to be filled out and requires valid forms of ID to be brought to the HR appointment.
      3. The loyalty oath will be completed at the HR appointment.
      4. After the student has filled out their portion, the supervisor needs to review and sign off on their section.
      5. Once the packet is complete and all the documents are collected, the student will take the packet to Financial Aid.
      6. After Financial Aid checks off, the student will need to email to schedule an HR appointment.
      7. When the student comes to the appointment, they are required to have legal, original and valid forms of ID that are listed on the I-9 List of Acceptable Documentation, and their packet.
      8. Once HR processes the paperwork, the student and supervisor will receive an email with the Subject Line of “Student Worker Approved.”
        • Once the email is received, only then is the student allowed to start working.
    2. Returning Student Worker
      1. Complete the Returning Student Worker Packet.
        • This is for students who have worked on campus before.
      2. Once the packet is complete, the student will take the packet to Financial Aid.
      3. After Financial Aid checks off, the student will need to email to schedule an HR Appointment.
      4. When the student comes to the appointment, please bring the returning student worker packet.
      5. Once HR processes the paperwork, the student and the supervisor will get an email with the Subject Line of “Student Worker Approved.”
        • Once this email is received only then is the student allowed to start working.
    3. International Student Worker
      1. The student needs to meet with the International Coordinator to receive a work permit.
      2. If the student is a new hire, please follow the next steps:
        • Complete the New Student Hire Packet or
        • Complete the I-9, critical legal document, required to be filled out and requires valid forms of ID to be brought to the HR appointment. Students will also need to bring their I-94 and I-20.
        • the loyalty oath will be completed at the HR appointment.
        • After the student has filled out their portion, the supervisor needs to review and sign off on their section.
        • Once the Packet is complete and all documents are collected, the student will take the packet to Financial Aid.
        • After Financial Aid checks off, the student will need to email to schedule an HR Appointment.
        • When the student comes to the appointment, they are required to have legal, original and valid forms of ID that are listed on the I-9 List of Acceptable Documentation, and their packet.
      3. If the student is a returning student worker, please follow the next steps
        • Complete the Returning Student Worker Packet. 
        • Once the packet is complete, the student will take the packet to Financial Aid.
        • After Financial Aid checks off, the student will need to email to schedule an HR Appointment.
        • When the student comes to the appointment, please bring the returning student worker packet.
        • Once HR processes the paperwork, the student and the supervisor will receive an email with the subject line of “Student Worker Approved.”
        • Once this email is received, only then is the student worker allowed to start working.

Approving Timesheets

Timesheets are due on the 15th of each month for approval. Set a calendar reminder to make sure all reports are turned in on time. Timesheets are completed through Banner Self-Service. Instruction manuals are available on the OPSU Office of Human Resources Website.

Please add a proxy supervisor to approve student timesheets in case of situations when the primary supervisor is unable to approve/review.

*Note: If the student is not showing up on your approval queue, please inform the Office of Human Resources.

Student Worker Exit Date

When a student is no longer working in your department or has graduated, please submit a Student Worker Exit Date Form. This is critical to process the students when they are no longer working for OPSU, as it impacts the department’s budget encumbrance as well as the student’s legal employment status.

Progressive Discipline

Disciplinary action is considered a dimension of performance evaluation. When problems occur, they should be handled in ways that jointly support the concept of positive discipline and minimize the interruption of university services. Supervisors will direct their efforts toward employee development and success. Depending upon the circumstances and the supervisor’s judgement in individual cases, repeating a step, jumping a step, or moving to immediate discharge may be appropriate.

Supervisors are expected to document disciplinary action taken. The documentation should contain a clear description of the behavior that prompted the discipline, the action taken by the supervisor, and how and in what time frame the employee’s conduct must change. Oral reminders should be documented in the employee’s department file to record that the warning was, in fact, given. All documentation must be factual and complete. A form for documenting disciplinary action is available in the Human Resources Office. The Human Resouces Office is responsible for maintaining copies of all disciplinary files.

Oral Reminder

This is the first step in the procedure. It involves a discussion between a supervisor and an employee about a work performance problem. The objective is to correct the problem by indicating how the employee’s actual performance falls short of the desired performance. This step should ensure that no employee is disciplined for violation of a policy or procedure of which they might not have prior knowledge.

Written Reminder

This is the second step in the procedure if an oral reminder has not corrected the problem. If the offense is of a serious nature, a written reminder is an appropriate first step. It formalizes a discussion between a supervisor and an employee about a performance deficiency.

Discharge of Staff

This is not a step in the progressive discipline procedure. It may be taken when positive steps have been used but performance has not changed or when an employee has committed a major offense. A major offense involves willful misconduct, dishonesty, or insubordination, one that seriously threatens university operations or the safety and well-being of the individual or other employees, or behavior that is unacceptable or the University. Prior to discharge, an employee should be notified of concerns and given an opportunity to correct any factual errors under which a supervisor may be operating. The immediate supervisor will contact the Human Resources Office or a designee before discharging an employee. Documentation should include the employee’s name, date of the incident, explanation of the circumstances resulting in the discharge, and reference to any previous disciplinary steps taken.

Termination for Cause

Termination for cause will be taken when in the opinion of the University, based upon recommendations of relevant supervisors and the Human Resouces Office, it is in the University’s best interest to terminate the employment relationship with an individual. Termination for cause may be necessary because of certain actions, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Assault or battery of a person on university property or at a university sponsored event
  • Theft of or on university property
  • Unexcused absence of three or more days
  • Falsifying employment applications, or time, or leave records
  • Immoral conduct or indecency on university property or at a university sponsored event
  • Insubordination
  • Unauthorized use or duplication of a university key
  • Responding to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Excessive absenteeism or tardiness
  • Violating a safety rule or practice
  • Sleeping or inattention to duty or inefficiency
  • Violation of law or university regulations
  • Lack of integrity
  • The unwillingness or deliberate refusal to comply with a direct order or any established work assignment of immediate supervisor or higher-level supervisor
  • The use of obscene or otherwise objectionable language to such personnel in a threatening manner
  • Other conduct inappropriate for an employee of the University

Disciplinary action for violation of university policies or procedures or for actions detrimental to the University, university property, on university personnel, not described herein, shall be determined by the President of the University. The refusal to perform an illegal act shall not be regarded as insubordination. Any employee requested to perform an illegal act should report such information to the Human Resources Office.