Davin Winger

With a passion for having a life changing impact on each student he gets to work with, Dean of Business and Technology Mr. Davin Winger approaches each day with intention and purpose. He is known around campus for his infectious laugh and infamous jokes.

Davin Winger

I would say honestly when you see the student’s gain self-confidence and see that they realize they can do things. It may be when they pass a class, get their first job, or win a competition.

Davin Winger

“I don’t know exactly when it happened, but at some point the verse in Colossians ‘And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him’ became where I get my passion for the job. Everything I do, I try to do for God’s Glory.” He smiles and adds, “Now I mess up, but I always try.”

This semester, he has taken on the Interim Dean of Agriculture position along with his current responsibilities. Among the daily administrative tasks, a great deal of his time is focused on recruitment and retention. From writing letters to potential students, visiting area high schools, and hosting visitors on campus to working with current students on scholarship and internship opportunities, and informing Alumni of job opportunities.

“One of the biggest responsibilities is to communicate between the faculty and the administration and keep everyone in the loop.”

Winger is currently teaching Finance I and Finance II as well as an online course called Special Topics. He team teaches a capstone course called Small Business Management. Also, he serves as a faculty advisor to the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) club.

As far as his favorite thing about the job, “I would say honestly when you see the student’s gain self-confidence and see that they realize they can do things. It may be when they pass a class, get their first job, or win a competition.”

Winger and his wife Teague live in Gruver, Texas where he farmed and ranched prior to accepting his position at Panhandle State. They have three children.

He holds a bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from Texas Tech University, a master’s degree in Business Administration from West Texas A&M University, and a Master of Arts in Theology from Catholic Distance University.

Winger serves as a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas which amongst numerous responsibilities involves him teaching courses once a month in Amarillo.

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