Brittany Way

Brittany Way, an Oklahoma Panhandle State University graduate from the class of 2021, has been named the Fall 2023 Alumni on the Move by the Panhandle State Association of Alumni and Friends. Brittany graduated with two Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Chemistry and has made her mark in the field of medical research.

Brittany Way - Fall 2023 Alumni on the Move

I aspire to become a physician and give back to the communities that played a pivotal role in my journey, like OPSU, Pratt Kansas (my community college), and my hometown in Texas.

Brittany Way

Brittany Way, an Oklahoma Panhandle State University graduate from the class of 2021, has been named the Fall 2023 Alumni on the Move by the Panhandle State Association of Alumni and Friends. Brittany graduated with two Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Chemistry and has made her mark in the field of medical research.

While at Panhandle State, Brittany was heavily involved in campus life and held positions in the Noble Center as a lifeguard and in the Communications Department as a photographer. Additionally, she actively engaged in extracurricular activities such as the Science Club, OPSU Concert Choir, HALO, and was a part of recruiting soccer players in 2019. Her presence was further recognized by her selection to the homecoming court in 2021.

However, Brittany’s journey didn’t stop at graduation. Her trajectory soared higher as she ventured into the realm of medical research. Currently serving as a Research Coordinator at CurieDx, affiliated with Johns Hopkins Hospital, Brittany is pioneering groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence. Her focus on utilizing technology to identify common pediatric illnesses speaks volumes about her commitment to bettering healthcare for the future.

“I aspire to become a physician and give back to the communities that played a pivotal role in my journey, like OPSU, Pratt Kansas (my community college), and my hometown in Texas,” stated Brittany.

Hard work and academic success paved her ascent to this influential position. While pursuing a Master’s in Biotechnology at Johns Hopkins University, Brittany dove into cutting-edge research, contributing notably to projects such as an augmented reality headset aiding pediatric CPR performance. Her journey continued with invitations to work at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, eventually leading her to her current role at CurieDx.

Brittany’s gratitude extends to members at OPSU, such as Doc Collins, Tenoch Ramon, and Natasha Eidson, who played pivotal roles in shaping her journey. Her heartfelt appreciation also embraces the friendships forged during her undergraduate days, acknowledging their impact on her personal growth.

Director of Alumni Relations, Shawn Joy, stated, “Brittany Way shows what it means to be an OPSU grad—hardworking, flexible, and always aiming high. Her story inspires us all and proves how an OPSU education sets you up for amazing things.”

Brittany Way’s story is a testament to the transformative power of an OPSU education. Her strides in the medical field showcase the caliber of alums who continue to make remarkable contributions to society, setting an inspiring precedent for current and future generations of OPSU students.

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