2023 02 28 Higher Education Day at the Capitol 900

Feb 15, 2023

Panhandle State Communications

Higher Education Day at the Capitol

Students from across Oklahoma gathered at the State Capitol in Oklahoma City to attend the annual Higher Education Day on February 14th. The event brought together students, educators, and policymakers to discuss the importance of higher education and advocate for increased funding for higher education in the state.

Eight students attended from Oklahoma Panhandle State University. They had come to the state capitol to speak directly to their representatives and senators about higher education’s impact on their lives and communities. These students shared personal stories and statistics about the benefits of higher education, highlighting how increased access to education can improve economic opportunities, community development, and overall quality of life.

The students spoke to legislators about the importance of investing in higher education in Oklahoma. They emphasized that investing in higher education is critical to addressing these issues and building a stronger, more prosperous future for Oklahoma.

“Higher Education Day was an overall great experience. Getting to spend time at our state’s capitol with other students who value higher education was really motivating,” said student Kyrstan Cook. “Since being at OPSU, I have a new appreciation for college and the work that goes into getting a degree.”

Education is the key to success and stability in a rapidly changing economy. The importance of higher education in Oklahoma cannot be overstated. Yet, many Oklahoma students need help accessing higher education, including increased tuition costs and limited financial aid.

Student, Carlos Flores commented, “Getting to attend Higher Education Day at our state’s capitol and seeing the students, legislators, and leaders collaborate together really brings into perspective the impact that Higher Education has in the State of Oklahoma.”

The students who attended Higher Education Day demonstrated a deep commitment to improving their communities and investing in their futures. Speaking directly to their representatives and senators, they could advocate for policies that would make higher education more accessible and affordable for all Oklahoma students. The event was a powerful reminder of the importance of investing in education and the critical role that students can play in shaping the future of their state.

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