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Dec 20, 2021

Panhandle State Communications

OPSU Hosts Over 780 High School Students at FFA Interscholastics

Oklahoma Panhandle State University hosted over 780 students during the FFA Interscholastics Contest. There were 52 schools from 5 different states and 20 different contests for the students to compete in.

This event was hosted by the College of Agriculture, Science, and Nursing with the help of Sydney Wilkinson and Chance Kanode.

Sydney Wilkinson, Instructor of Animal Science, commented, “I’m so honored to have been part of this event again this year. Last year I had the privilege of putting on all the contests, and this year I got to pass the torch to Chance Kanode. I am so thrilled about the numbers we had this year and thought it was a total success. These students are so passionate and driven to better themselves through these contests and that is evident just by our entries. I think it was a total success, and Chance did a great job. My main responsibility was to put on our Livestock Judging contest which was the largest with almost 300 students! We were blown away by the number of students and the high quality. So thankful for the university for letting us continue this tradition again this year and supporting the youth and agriculture!”

Chance Kanode, Instructor of Agricultural Education, stated, “With this being my first FFA Interscholastic Contest, I was very pleased with how the event went. It was incredible to see the enthusiasm of FFA members from the five different states that attended. Students spent time developing their skills through quality contests. This event wouldn’t be possible without the amazing OPSU faculty and students that took the time out of their schedules to make this contest possible. I am incredibly grateful for the support of the university to continue to put this contest on each year to help young adults better their skills to ensure success in their future.”

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