Students in the Teacher Education Program gathered for a special convocation on May 8. —Photo by Danae Moore

May 15, 2019

Panhandle State Communications

Education Students Celebrated in Convocation

Goodwell, Okla. — Class of 2018-2019 students in the Oklahoma Panhandle State University Teacher Education Program participated in a special convocation ceremony on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 3 p.m. in Centennial Theatre.

Following a processional played by Joe Piontek and prayer led by Assistant Professor of Education Shelly Worm, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Julie Dinger welcomed the students and their guests to the event and introduced the speaker, University President Dr. Tim Faltyn.

Dr. Faltyn addressed the students and their special guests saying, “Education is the difference maker and as teachers you have the ability to shape the future.”

Dean of Arts and Education Dr. Brad Duren presented the Class of 2018-2019.

Elementary Education graduates include Kathryn Brooks, Ely Esquivel, Sarah Evans, Lizet Gutierrez, Christy Oldham, Tierra Roberson, Marcala Steckel, Taryna Strydom, and Yesenia Vera.

Agricultural Education graduates include Alicia Allen, Sydney Dougherty-Hayes, Matthew Evans, and Chelsea Lewis.

Music Education graduates include Jasmine Brown-Jutras.

Dr. Duren commented, “Our Education graduates are a source of pride and joy for the College of Arts and Education and OPSU in general. Their dedication to excellence will be a tremendous benefit both to their future students and schools. I salute the hard work and guidance of our outstanding Education faculty and their director, Dr. Jerry Mihelic.”

A reception followed after closing remarks by Dr. Duren and a postlude by Piontek.

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