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Mar 11, 2019

Panhandle State Communications

Alumni Giving Challenge Sees Success

Goodwell, Okla. — The Oklahoma Panhandle State University Giving Challenge started December 15, 2018 and ran through February 15, 2019. During the two-month long campaign, the alumni office was able to raise $13,250, well above their projected $10,000 goal.

The Giving Challenge raised awareness and funding for two important parts of the Alumni Association; the alumni scholarship and an alumni events fund. Donations make it possible for the Alumni Association to reach the goal of hosting five alumni events across the region in 2019. Alumni competed against each other, with the promise of a reception for their whole class for the champion fund raisers.

Panhandle State University President Dr. Tim Faltyn commented, “This challenge allowed those that have been such a key part of our history to give back. None of this would have been possible without their generous gifts!”

Panhandle State Alumni congratulates the classes of 1973, 1976, and 1982 for splitting first place in this year’s Giving Challenge. With so many donations, the Alumni Office is happy to announce not having just one winner, but three!

“I am proud of our Alumni Director, Natasha Eidson, and her efforts during this campaign. This was our first big fundraising campaign in many years and we are excited about the opportunities it brings for the Alumni Association,” Alumni President Diane Murphey stated.

The winning classes earned an alumni reception with their gifts. The location and date are to be announced. The Alumni Association is ready to get engaged with Alumni groups having events on and off of campus this year.

Vice President of Outreach Dr. Ryan Blanton added, “We encourage Alumni to get engaged with events held here on campus. The efforts of the Alumni Association are shown with this challenge while making a positive impact reconnecting with Alumni.”

“We are so proud of our Alumni and the involvement from them that we have seen, we look forward to next year’s Giving Challenge,” Faltyn added.

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