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Admissions and Academic Records

The educational experience at Oklahoma Panhandle State encompasses both classroom and extra-curricular learning opportunities where students can mature in a safe and candid environment. As a student, your active participation in a wide array of educational, cultural, recreational and social programs will determine the richness of your collegiate experience.

Aggies sharing their stories

Read Jared Mayeda’s Story

With the smaller environment and smaller town, you also get a personal touch in every class and all over campus.

Jared Mayeda / Assistant Baseball Coach

Jared Mayeda

Read Emily Robertson’s Story

This place has felt like a second home since the second I got here. Everyone is so supportive and truly wants to see you succeed.

Emily Robertson / Nursing

Emily Robertson

Read Tracy Curtis’s Story

[Memories] of great comradery and a feeling of accomplishment reminds me of the “grit” and determination our University is known for!

Tracy Curtis / Business Administration

Tracy Curtis

Read Shawn Strain’s Story

My greatest memories of OPSU are the people I met and the relationships formed. I still keep in touch through social media with several friends from OPSU.

Shawn Strain / Mathematics

Shawn Strain

Read Karen Bauer’s Story

I knew I always wanted to work at OPSU. In 2020 a job opening in the Financial Aid department became available, and I sensed immediately it would be a position I would enjoy.

Karen Bauer / Purchasing Coordinator

Karen Bauer

Read Jayden Valdez’s Story

Panhandle has allowed me to venture out of my comfort zone and grow as a person and a leader. I will be forever grateful for the opportunities I have been given.

Jayden Valdez / Computer Information Systems

Jayden Valdez

Read Dr. Helen Thrall’s Story

Being part of this institution inspires me to give my best to my students. Every day I am motivated to help students reach their goals and become better musicians and music educators.

Dr. Helen Thrall / Music

Read Jessica Reed’s Story

I’m a small-town kid, so still getting that at college made OPSU feel like home.

Jessica Reed / Agribusiness

Jessica Reed

Read Dr. Allison Collins’s Story

Our RN-BSN program is attracting nurses state-wide, and I wanted to be a part of a successful program.

Dr. Allison Collins / Nursing

Dr. Allison Collins

Read Ashlynn Remington’s Story

We would have ‘family suppers’ and pack those trailers full of students and play card games until we were crying from laughing.

Ashlynn Remington / Animal Science & Agribusiness

Ashlynn Remington