Alumni Spotlight
Ashlynn Remington
What I tell people today (about Panhandle State) is that you know everybody. It is very, very close-knit. Going to a small high school and transitioning to Panhandle was very easy.
Representative Casey Murdock
Murdock, a farmer and rancher from Felt, Okla., is currently serving in the Oklahoma House of Representatives in addition to running for Senate District 27.
Murdock graduated in 1992 earning a bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness. “What I tell people today (about Panhandle State) is that you know everybody. It is very, very close-knit. Going to a small high school and transitioning to Panhandle was very easy.”
Panhandle State gave Murdock the opportunity to run cattle while completing his college education. “While I was taking classes at Panhandle, I can remember going home one morning to ship cattle, and still being back on campus in time to take an exam that same day.”
His time at Panhandle plays a great part in what he is doing today and his vision for the future of higher education. “The experience at Panhandle gives me an appreciation of our small regional universities and their purpose. There is a need for them in Oklahoma and unless you went to a small university you can’t understand it.”
“I am so proud of Panhandle State. It has most definitely changed since I graduated in 1992. I am so impressed with Dr. Faltyn and his vision and thinking outside the box.”
“Our region needs to provide a workforce in our area. We need to continue to look and partner with industry to provide workforce.”
Murdock’s successes are numerous but he commented, “When I first graduated from college, my goal was to get rich and be a big cattleman. I think a lot of times people line up achieving goals by how much they have in money, toys, assets… I think I was about 30 when I realized life is not about money. It is about being happy. If you wake up every morning doing what you love, the money is gravy. Providing for my family and being happy, that is my greatest accomplishment.”
Politically speaking one of the great accomplishments is giving the Panhandle a voice at the state capitol. “When I walk into a room, they know where we are at.”
As far as other interests, Murdock said, “I thoroughly enjoy getting to go watch my son play basketball.”