Mya Martinez

Originally from Hereford, Texas, Mya Martinez is a Junior at Oklahoma Panhandle State University. Mya is majoring in Animal Science, with dreams of working at a zoo or a wildlife rescue after graduating.

Mya Martinez

The big reason I came to OPSU is because of the small and friendly community. I love that the professors are so friendly, and it's easy to find where I need to go!

Mya Martinez

“When I graduate my dream is to work with wolves or work at a wild life rescue center and if anything i would work at a zoo.”

Mya is excited about her new role as Head Resident Assistant of Holter Hall. Mya is also on the Cheer Team and a member of the OPSU Band.

Mya stated, “As the head RA in Holter Hall, my job is to make sure that everyone is safe and in a comfortable environment since this is their home away from home. I also help those who are locked out of their room or in need of help in any way.”

“The big reason I came to OPSU is because of the small and friendly community. I love that the professors are so friendly, and it’s easy to find where I need to go!”

Mya’s favorite thing about Panhandle State is that her teammates and friends make her feel right at home. “I enjoy all of the amazing people I get to meet every day.”

Dean of Student Services, Amber Glass commented, “Mya has been such an asset to our team in the Housing Department. We are appreciative of all her hard work being a Head Resident Assistant.”

Mya’s favorite hobbies are playing the trumpet and playing video games with friends. She stated, “I also love watching all kinds of movies with my grandma and uncle when I’m home.”

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