Dr. Allison Collins

Certified Nurse Educator Dr. Allison Collins is from Durant, Oklahoma, and has devoted a wealth of time and effort to her craft.

Dr. Allison Collins

Our RN-BSN program is attracting nurses state-wide, and I wanted to be a part of a successful program.

Dr. Allison Collins

Dr. Collins earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master in Nursing Education from the University of Oklahoma, then furthered her higher education at the University of Alabama, where she received a Doctorate in Educational Leadership in 2019. She also became a Certified Nurse Educator by demonstrating proficiencies in nursing education by the National League of Nursing.

Dr. Collins is a part of the nursing faculty at Oklahoma Panhandle State University, serving as an assistant professor. “Our RN-BSN program is attracting nurses state-wide, and I wanted to be a part of a successful program,” stated Dr. Collins.

Working in fields such as medical, surgical, public health, and psychiatric nursing for 25 years, Dr. Collins understands the difficulty of continuing to further one’s education while working as a nurse. Dr. Collins remarks about OPSU’s nursing program, “I love that our Nursing program is 100% remote and caters to our hard-working nurses.”

Dr. Collins teaches the introductory and senior-level courses in the RN-BSN program, and she enjoys witnessing students’ progress professionally through their studies. Dr. Collins says, “I think our program prepares registered nurses for continuing in graduate programs to become nurse practitioners, nurse educators, and other nurse leaders.”

Dr. Collins enjoys making memories with loved ones and spending time with her husband of 21 years and her three children.

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