Bud Blackmore

Bud Blackmore, a Weston Lakes, Texas resident, has represented Oklahoma Panhandle State University well throughout his career.

Bud Blackmore

Panhandle State has the ability to provide a degree that opened doors in a career while the smaller size lets you meet everyone.

Bud Blackmore

Since Bud grew up in Texhoma, Oklahoma, it made attending Panhandle State a natural choice. He graduated from OPSU in 1969 with a degree in Business Administration.

Blackmore entered the oil industry after graduation and spent the next 40 years in that field. He worked with Kerr-McGee Corporation in Oklahoma City and Houston for a total of 25 years, and his final position with the company was as Vice President of Marketing. Bud then moved onto a 15-year stint with Sinclair Oil Corporation in Salt Lake City where he retired as Senior Vice President of Marketing and Product Supply in 2010.

During his retirement, Blackmore was asked to serve on the Board of Directors of Innospec based in Denver, Colorado. He was appointed to the board in the spring of 2010 and has continued to serve as the Chairman since 2012.

Bud stated that Panhandle State has the ability to provide a degree that opened doors in a career while the smaller size lets you meet everyone, and that he developed lifelong friendships. Looking back on his favorite memories, Bud said, “Mandatory ROTC with drill time every Thursday afternoon and dances on the weekend with a local band led by Bill Handorf.”

Bud and his wife, Janet, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Together they have two sons that have married and provided them with 4 granddaughters. While in retirement, he enjoys woodworking, golf, hiking, and spending the summers in their Utah home.

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