Registration & Enrollment
The registration process at Oklahoma Panhandle State University involves planning your class schedule with your academic advisor, registering for classes, adjusting your class schedule if needed within the published drop/add deadlines, and paying your bursar bill.
Before Registering
- Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor to plan your class schedule. Contact your advisor early, as advising appointments fill quickly. You can email your advisor, or stop by their office.
- From Student Self-Service, check your Student Profile to see if you are eligible to register for classes. Find your enrollment date in the Registration Notices section, and check for Holds in the upper right corner of your profile. All registration holds must be cleared before you will be able to enroll. Use the contact number to reach out to offices which have placed holds on your account.
- You can plan your schedule in Self-Service using Plan Ahead under the Registration menu. Plans created here will be available when you register for classes (on the Plans tab).
- Access Prepare for Registration to view registration permits/overrides that have been granted to you.
Cancelling Enrollment
Cancellation occurs when a student drops all classes before classes begin. Cancelling enrollment removes all tuition charges. No grades are recorded, and no record of the enrollment remains on the official transcript.
How do I cancel my enrollment?
To cancel your enrollment, you must request this action in writing to the Office of Academic Records Their email is academicrecords@opsu.edu.
Failing to attend classes or nonpayment on your Bursar account does not constitute notice of cancellation.
Distance Students Enrolled in Online Classes Only
University policies and procedures apply to distance students enrolling in online classes as they do for on-campus students enrolling in traditional classes. Online classes are usually designated by an instructional method of computer-based/ online.
Distance students should be able to perform most enrollment activities online via Self-Service (see ‘Registering for Classes’ above).
All OPSU students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the drop/add and refund deadlines for all of the courses in which they are enrolled. Courses with start/end dates that differ from her regular semester dates have their own individual drop/add deadlines.
Dropping a Class During the Winter Holiday
The student system empowers students to handle their own registration via Self-Service throughout the semester, including when the university is closed for the holidays. While students can add and drop classes online (within applicable add/drop deadlines) during the holidays, students with registration holds may not be able to drop classes online. Students with holds who need to drop a class during the winter holiday can follow the instructions below:
- Email your request to the Office of Academic Records via email (academicrecords@opsu.edu) from your OPSU email no later than the published drop deadline for the class.
- The Office of Academic Records will process your request cards which have been received via email by the published deadline when the university reopens after the holidays.
To look up the drop/refund deadlines for classes offered during the winter holiday, click on the title of the course, while in the Registration tab in Self-Service, and the use the Drop/Add and Refund Deadlines tab.
Dropping Classes
Dropping refers to dropping one or more classes while remaining in at least one OPSU course in a given term. Classes should not be dropped without the approval of the student’s academic advisor. All enrollment changes are the responsibility of the student. Failure to attend classes or nonpayment of tuition and fees does not constitute dropping a class.
The Academic Calendar provides specific dates for each term. Summer classes and short courses that do not follow the standard 16-week semester follow proportionate drop/refund periods that can be found in the Drop/Add and Refund Deadlines tab when you click on the title of a course in Self-Service Registration. Exceptions to these deadlines may be considered by petition only due to documented extraordinary circumstances and subject to committee approval.
Registering for Classes
New freshmen and transfer students will begin the enrollment process with their Freshman Advisor.
To register for classes, login to Self-Service and select the appropriate term. Then select “Register for Classes” from the “Registration” menu.
Carefully check your Schedule Details (under Register for Classes or View Registration information) to ensure that you are enrolled in only the classes in which you intended to enroll. Students are responsible for ensuring that their enrollment is correct, and for paying the full amount of tuition and fees for all courses on their class schedule.
If the system was unable to enroll you in a class due to a prerequisite requirement, special permission required, closed class, or other restriction, the system will notify you that it was unable to process your registration. For details on the different messages, consult with your advisor.
Withdrawing from the University
A student can withdraw from a single, or multiple courses after the add/drop period of the semester has lapsed. Students can request the withdrawal on their Aggie Portal, similar to enrolling in courses. If a student has a hold or restriction, they should contact the Office of Academic Records via email to withdraw, their email is academicrecords@opsu.edu. All requests for withdrawals must be received in writing and should include the student’s name, student ID, and the course registration numbers.
Students that withdraw from the courses after the refund deadlines are responsible for the full amount of tuition and fees and will receive a grade of ‘W’ for the course on their academic transcript, which is GPA neutral. See the Academic Calendar for refund, drop/add, and withdrawal deadlines.
Withdrawal Policy for Students Entering military Service
If a student is called to active military service during the term in which he or she is enrolled and has not completed sufficient work for receiving grades, the student should withdraw from the University following the instructions above.
In addition to requesting the withdrawal in writing to the Office of Academic Records, the student should also provide the Office of the Registrar with a copy of his or her military orders. Upon receiving the military orders showing that the student was called to active duty military service, the student will receive a 100% waiver of the tuition and fees or a 100% refund of tuition and fees paid. The military orders, if not available at the time of withdrawal, may be submitted at a later date at which the tuition and fee waiver will be applied.
Per Oklahoma State law (SB 1830), OPSU offers a military leave of absence (MLOA) to students who are members of the active uniformed military services of the United States who are called to active duty. An MLOA allows a student to be absent from the University for active duty without penalty to admission status or grade point average and without loss of institutional financial aid. It also allows the student to be eligible for withdrawal from all or some classes with a full refund of tuition and fees or to be eligible for the incomplete grades in classes for which he/she has successfully completed at least 50% of the coursework at the time of leave, if the student intends to complete the classes upon return from active duty. MLOAs shall not exceed a cumulative five years. Students apply for MLOA by submitting the appropriate form and supporting documentation.
Audit Enrollment
A student who does not wish to receive credit in a course may enroll as an auditor, provided space is available and the student obtains approval from the instructor of the course and his or her advisor. (Note: Advisor permission is only required for currently enrolled students.) A student who enrolls as an auditor must verify that he or she will not petition to receive credit for the audited course by any method other than that described below under “Audit to Credit.” Instructor discretion will determine the auditor’s level of class participation.
Audited courses do not count in the determination of full-time student status and do not apply toward Veterans Affairs benefits. Laboratory courses, private music lessons, studio art courses, outreach courses, and other courses that require special course fees are not open for audit enrollment.
Audit to Credit – the allowable time to change from audit to credit enrollment is between the first and tenth class day (inclusive) of a 16-week semester and proportionate periods for shorter sessions. Students changing enrollment status from audit to credit must have been admitted to OPSU.
Credit to Audit – a student who is already enrolled for credit in a course may change the enrollment to audit only if the student officially drops the course (or, if appropriate, withdraws) at the time the student changes to audit. This action is not allowed after the drop/withdrawal deadline for the course. The audit action will not remove the original course withdrawal notation from the student’s transcript.
Audited courses appear on a student’s official transcript with an indication that the course was an audit enrollment. An “AU” appears where the grade would normally appear. The “AU” does not contribute to a student’s GPA, and no credit hours are earned for the course.
Audit enrollments follow the same resident and non-resident tuition and fee policies as credit enrollments. Late enrollment fees are waived for audit enrollments. Any individual 65 years or older may audit a class at no charge. The audit tuition and fees are also waived for faculty and staff who have retired from the University under the Oklahoma Teacher Retirement System’s “Rule of 80” or “Rule of 90” regardless of age at the time of retirement.