Annual Wellness Competitions

Home Noble Activity Center Annual Wellness Competitions
The OPSU Wellness Committee offers an array of annual events to promote healthy life styles to all OPSU students, faculty, staff and our community.

Lazyman Triathlon

March 18th- April 28th

The Lazyman is an Iron-distance triathlon consisting of 2.4 mile swim (82 laps in Noble Center Pool which is 23.5 meters in length) or 25,000 meter row or 120 mile elliptical trek (please choose one option), 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run. The challenge begins March 20 and runs through April 30, 2023. Participation is open to all ages.


Registration must be completed before March 18th at 12:00am.

Mileage Logs

Each triathlete will complete a weekly distance log to be submitted for final review on May 2 to qualify as completing the Lazyman Triathlon. Logs must be completed before Tuesday at midnight each week.


This event is free of charge for all Panhandle State students and employees. A $20.00 entry fee is required for all community members. Payment may be completed at the Noble Center anytime before March 18th.


All participants who complete the Lazyman mileage and keep the required weekly logs will receive an award for their hard work.

Log your participation