Jerry & Gwen Martin

Feb 9, 2022

Panhandle State Communications

Panhandle State Hosts 70th Annual Bull Test Sale

Oklahoma Panhandle State University will hold the 70th Annual Bull Test Sale on February 21, 2022 in the Milton England Activity Center. The beef bulls are consigned to the performance test for 112 days. The final weigh-day for the bulls was January 29, 2022.

The first Bull Test was established in 1952 by Milton England, making it the oldest Bull Test in the United States. In 1980, England retired and Jerry Martin was appointed Director of the Bull Test. Jerry and his wife, Gwen, have managed and ran the Bull Test and Sale for the last 42 years. They have both served at Panhandle State for 53 years.

Gwen stated, “We have conducted the Bull Test and Sale for the past 42 years in addition to our other full-time duties. It involves feeding the bulls twice daily seven days a week, compiling the data each twenty-eight days after each weighing, getting the information out to the breeders and prospective buyers each weigh day, and conducting the sale each year.”

“Dr. Jerry Martin has done a tremendous job again this year in managing and oversight of the OPSU Bull Test and Sale. This year marks the 70th Annual Sale for the OPSU Bull Test, and we are excited to present this offering, from producers in Oklahoma and Texas, an excellent set of Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, and Shorthorn bulls. The OPSU Bull Test provides OPSU students an opportunity to gain real-world experience in animal handling and feeding, and allows area producers an opportunity to purchase bulls from sons of some of the top genetics in the cattle industry.”, stated Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Jared Bates.

Those interested in following the performance of the bulls through the test can contact Gwen Martin in the Animal Science Department at OPSU at 580-349-1500 to be placed on the mailing list to receive performance reports and a sale catalog.

Panhandle State announced that the 2022 Century Club will be designated to the England Agricultural Activity Center, which is where the Bull Sale is held. As the Century Club 2022 project, it is the hope to help make the England Center a more welcoming and modern facility for agricultural activities, not only for OPSU, but for the Panhandle region.

For more information about the Century Club and how to become an honored member today go to or contact the Alumni Office at 580-349-1390.

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