Feb 6, 2024
Oklahoma Panhandle State University received the Excellence Award for being a Certified Healthy Campus for the second year in a row. Panhandle State will be recognized virtually at the annual Certified Healthy Oklahoma event on June 24th.
The Panhandle State Wellness Committee members are Dana Collins, Amber Hollis-Fesmire, Calandra Rose, Stacy Norquist, and Rene Ramon. This group is committed to providing services and activities for students, employees, and area communities geared toward campus well-being.
University President, Dr. Tim Faltyn stated, “The Wellness Committee continues to promote new and exciting ways for us all to stay healthy. Thank you to this group of individuals who have helped us achieve this excellent status.”
The OPSU Wellness Team was thrilled to continue the 4th annual Lazyman Triathlon and the 2020 Miles and Miles of Summer. Amber Hollis-Fesmire, Director of Noble Center, worked hard moving the registrations and mileage logs online, allowing individuals to participate in the events even though we were closed.
Dana Collins, Director of Human Resources, stated, “I’m proud of the Panhandle family and how we worked together as a team. This quote helped me power through the year, “It’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday.” I’m thrilled to see OPSU employees and the community members continuing to be better each day with their wellness.”
Stacy Nordquist, Chair and Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education, commented, “All of the credit goes to Amber Hollis-Fesmire, Dana Collins, Rene Ramon, and Calandra Rose. Those four did all of the work and deserve all of the credit. OPSU’s Certified Healthy Campus Certification is directly due to the hard work and dedication of these four.”