Apr 14, 2021
The Oklahoma Panhandle Research and Extension Center planted 99 different corn seed hybrids in April of 2020 for a hybrid performance research trial. The participating companies that entered their varieties were Stine Seed, Fontanelle, Hefty, Hoegemeyer, Midwest Genetics, Channel, Dekalb, and Dyna-Gro.
The crops were harvested in late September. Of all of the companies, Channel seeds hybrid 217-76 had the highest yield with 208 bushels per acre. All the hybrids were managed to evaluate their performance under limited irrigation pumping capacities. This research trial also provides data to measure water use efficiency of these hybrids at limited irrigation capacities.
University President, Dr. Tim Faltyn commented, “History has been made this year at the Oklahoma Panhandle Research and Extension Center. Cameron Murley, OPSU and OSU Alumni and Superintendent of OPREC, is a blessing to our university. Thanks to Cameron Murley for his leadership and vision.”
Senior Station Superintendent, Cameron Murley, has been with OPREC for 12 years. He started out working as a student and then developed into a full-time position in 2014. Cameron manages the 660 acres that OPSU and OSU operate together as the OPREC and the 1200 acre OSUMcCaull Research and Demonstration Farm.
Cameron commented, “In addition to conducting research with seed and chemical companies, we provide local support for research and extension activities of departments in the OSU Division of Agriculture. Additionally, we collaborate with other land grant institutions in the region.”
“The hybrid trials with these seed companies provide them with a non-biased environment to evaluate their latest product they are going to utilize in this region,” Cameron continued, “This research trial was not just a one on one comparison, it gives a broad look of how each hybrid performs in this area with limited irrigation.”
“What makes my position at the OPREC unique is that, as a graduate of both Universities, I have the best interest at heart for both Universities.”
Director of the OSU Field and Research Service Unit, Dr. Chris Richards stated, “The partnership between OSU and OPSU at OPREC provides a synergy that increases research and demonstrations, such as the corn variety trial, that benefit OPSU students and regional agricultural producers.”