2019 04 07 sign story imageWeb 900

Apr 7, 2019

Panhandle State Communications

Signs for the Times at Panhandle State


Anyone who is a regular to the Oklahoma Panhandle State University campus has undoubtedly noticed many great new improvements being undertaken in the campus’ aesthetics. Nowhere has that been more prevalent than with the Aggies’ athletics facilities.


This past week, a beautiful new addition was added just inside the main entrance to Carl Wooten Field at Anchor D Stadium (a.k.a. “No Man’s Land”).


These two identical metal, two-sided signs – one on the north side and the other on the south – adorn the walkways that lead to the spectator stands. Black backing and structure, emblazoned with the signature “P” and with “We Are Panhandle” in Aggie red, these are more than just signs. They are reminders of what makes Panhandle State great; a call to celebrate over 100 years of history and build for the future by “Progress Through Knowledge.”


We Are Panhandle. It is a simple, but effective credo embraced by Dr. Tim Faltyn, OPSU President. It is a challenge issued to Panhandle State students, faculty, staff and community alike: making excellence a way of life. It is a reminder that the campus strives to be progressive and forward-looking, while holding fast to a commitment to truth, hard work, respect and humility that makes us a family (#OneAggie).


And it seems only fitting that the “architect” of this project be one of the Aggies’ own: Matthew Carter. Carter, a graduate of Panhandle State in 1990 with a degree in computer information systems (CIS), is currently the Industrial Technology Chair and Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems. To an outsider, the association of a “techie” to someone capable of creating these new additions to the campus may be a quantum leap.


But that would mean you don’t really know Matthew Carter!


You’re taking about the “Renaissance Man” of hobbies. Carter does woodworking, ceramics, leatherworking, makes soap, cooks, video production, photography, flies remote controlled airplanes and paints.


Oh yes, and metalworking! Sure, making the “We Are Panhandle” signs has nothing to do with the CIS area on the surface, but then again there may be few people who demonstrate the “We Are Panhandle” more so than Carter. There was a need and he did the work to help make it happen for the good of the campus.


You would expect no less from a man who, when asked what his future goals are, replied: “to continue changing people’s lives in a positive way.”


“We are so blessed to have somebody with Matthew’s talents,” Dr. Faltyn said. “He’s not only a leader on campus, but somebody who represents us well everywhere he goes.”


And Matthew Carter has created a lasting reminder for Aggies past, present and future of what it means to be a part of this campus, as they pass through the stadium gates. Likewise, the “We Are Panhandle” signs are also a call and invitation to visitors to enjoy the unique culture and experience that is the foundation of the past and roadmap for the future of our family here at Panhandle State.



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