Apr 9, 2019

Panhandle State Communications

Area Art Jubilee Set for April 10

Goodwell, Okla. — Oklahoma Panhandle State University Art Department together with Images Art Club and the Galleon Restaurant invite you to the 21st Annual Panhandle Area Art Jubilee. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10, 2019 on the Panhandle State campus.

Area high school students will be able to participate in contests, learn from demonstrations, and earn prize or scholarship money. Community members are invited to attend the demonstrations in Hesper Hall as well as browse the student’s contest entries in the Panhandle State Ballroom.

Contest events include the legendary Sidewalk chalk drawing, computer graphics, pottery, and a quick draw. The demonstrations will include potter’s wheel throwing, assembling of wheel thrown clay pieces, raku firing techniques, pastels, watercolor painting, painting, computer animation, and photography.

This year’s featured guests are Bethany Fields and Carol Beesley. Bethany Fields performed professionally and continues to hone her skills in composition and design working as the on-air talent and designer for a DIY web series in Burbank, Calif. She has worked as a professional lifestyle and commercial photographer for the past 15 years which naturally led to landscape photography and painting. She produces and directs her own Youtube channel where her videos have been viewed over 300,000 times and blogs at bethanyfieldsblog.com. She will host workshops on Wednesday, April 10th and Thursday, April 11th starting at 9:30 a.m.

Carol resides in Norman, Okla. where she is a Professor Emeritus of Art at The University of Oklahoma College of Fine Arts where she taught for 24 years. Carol received her M.F.A. from the University of California in Los Angeles. She will host workshops on Tuesday, April 9th and Wednesday, April 10th starting at 9:30 a.m.

Special thanks goes to event sponsor The Galleon Restaurant and additional thanks goes to Anchor D Bank, Prestage Farms, Slats Market, Tri-County Electric, Bank of the Panhandle, Firestone Meat Lab, and Kim’s Ribs.

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