Jun 29, 2021
Goodwell, Okla. — The 67th Annual Oklahoma Panhandle State University Performance Tested Bull Sale was held February 18, 2019. Forty-nine bulls brought $129,150.00 for an average of $2,635.71. An Angus bull consigned by Clarence Frey of Mulhal, Okla. (#10-2) was the top selling bull at $4,900.00. The bull is a son of EXAR Blackcap 3746 and sold to James R. Floyd of Liberal, Kan. A bull of B&M Angus of Edmond, Okla. (#2-3) sold for $4,500.00. This bull was sired by KLR Maximizer 1487 and sold to Michael G. Robertson of Buffalo, Okla.
For more information or a complete report of all of the bulls in the 67th Annual Beef Bull Performance Test and Sale, write or call Jerry or Gwen Martin, OPSU, Box 430, Goodwell, Okla., 73939, phone 580-349-1500.