Nov 9, 2018

Panhandle State Communications

Two New Library Programs

Goodwell, Okla. — The Marvin McKee Library of Oklahoma Panhandle State University is excited to announce two new programs that will be happening in November and December. The programs were announced by Library Director Tony Hardman, who, in collaboration with new Library Program Assistant, Beth Mihelic, developed them.

The first program is a Creative Reading Program which will be the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, barring holidays and other events where the library and university will be closed. There are two times that parents may sign up their children. For children crawling to Pre-K, there will be a program from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. For children Pre-K to Third Grade, the program will be from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. The program will consist of a welcoming song, a story, rhythms and rhymes, a second story, a craft and a closing song. Parents and/or guardians are invited to attend as children are not to be left unattended during the program. The dates and themes for the programs for the remainder of the year will be November 13 (Thanksgiving), November 27(Fall/Autumn) and December 5 (Christmas).

The second program is also a new and exciting concept for the library. Taking place on Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. will be “Reading with a Dog.” Two therapy dogs will be made available for children to read books to the dogs. This is a specialized program and appointments must be made to participate in this program. Each reading time will be for a twenty-five minute time slot, allowing for five minutes to change readers. Both dogs are registered therapy dogs with Therapy Dogs International and owned by Dr. Sandol Johnson, a professor of Animal Science and Chair of the Animal Science Department at Panhandle State. Dr. Johnson has also participated in the planning and implementation of this program and will be present during the reading times. The dates for the Reading with a Dog will be November 14, November 28 and December 5. All appointments must be made in advance to read with the therapy dog. To do so, parents may contact Beth Mihelic at 580-349-1543.

All parents must sign a consent form to participate in all library programs which is available at the McKee Library Check-Out Desk. Further programs for the coming year will be announced in January. Everyone is invited to participate in the program and the McKee Library looks forward to participation from the university and community alike.



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