Panhandle State Alumni — Courtesy Photo

Oct 23, 2018

Panhandle State Communications

Ram Prairie Circuit Finals Recap

Duncan, Okla. — The Ram Prairie Circuit Finals were this past Thursday through Saturday, October 18-20, 2018. Oklahoma Panhandle State University is especially proud of how many current students and alumni were competing at the finals. The Saddle Bronc Champion saddle was sponsored by Panhandle State and it is with great pride that it was awarded to alumni, Hardy Braden.

2018 graduate Will Martin won the first round of the Bareback Riding with a score of 83 points. Martin also won fourth in the third round with a score of 78.5 points to secure the Reserve Bareback Champion title.

Hardy Braden was one of the six Panhandle State men in the Saddle Bronc Riding. Braden won second in the first round with 78.5 points. He won the second round with 83.5 points and placed second in the third round with 80 points to earn the 2018 Saddle Bronc Champion. Alumni, Preston Kafka tied for fourth in the first round. Current student and reigning College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) champion, Jake Finlay, was also present in the Saddle Bronc Riding. Finlay won third in the second round and fourth in the third round. Alumni, Tyrel Larsen tied for fourth in the second round and tied for second in the average. Shade Etbauer and Taylor Tupper were also a part of the Panhandle State’s impressive set of bronc riders at this event.

Randi Buchanan, is also a known athlete here at Panhandle State. An alumnus, Buchanan, has made several trips to the CNFR and made her first trip to the Prairie Circuit Finals this year on her horse named Cricket. Buchanan won fifth in all three rounds and tied for fourth in the average.

Local standout Trell Etbauer qualified in the Steer Wrestling but failed to place.

Panhandle State Alumni Jett Hillman qualified in the team roping with his partner Curry Kirchner. The team won the second round and placed fourth in the third round as well as the average.

One alumni made the finals in the Steer Roping. Rocky Patterson won second in the first round with a time of 12.5 seconds.

Panhandle State was encouraging two cowboys in particular in the Bull Riding. Both Tyler Hessman and Laramie Mosley from Panhandle State qualified for the finals. Hessman won the first round with a score of 86.5 points. Hessman won second in the third round with 82.5 points and won third in the average. Unfortunately, Mosley was unable to attend due to injury.

Panhandle State is proud to have so many alumni and current students competing at the Ram Prairie Circuit Finals. It is an honor to have our name associated to such high caliber cowgirls and cowboys and we hope to keep the winning tradition alive!

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