We develop new releases for stories that have the best chance of attracting positive media coverage for our institution. To help us assist departments and faculty in sending news releases to the media, we have provided the following news release form. In determining whether your announcement is newsworthy or not, please consider three main elements of news:
- Relevance
- Usefulness
- Interest
Once you have submitted the form, the communications team will review and re-write, as necessary. We will then send back the release to you for final review prior to sending to the appropriate media outlets. Please note that communications will review to ensure that information submitted is newsworthy. If the information is not appropriate for a news release, we will work with you on other ways to promote your story through social media or internal communications.
Any questions, please contact Natasha Eidson at 580-349-1356 or e-mail natasha.eidson@opsu.edu
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