Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology provides skills and knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes, drafting & design concepts, and power & equipment technology.
The purpose of the Department of Industrial Technology is to provide the students with skills and knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes, drafting and design concepts, and power and equipment technology. These fields of study provide the necessary skills and knowledge for successful careers in industrial areas.
The Department of Industrial Technology endeavors to serve students who plan to become engineers, carpenters, draftsmen, construction supervisors, etc. Industrial Technology also benefits students who are minoring in other work but desire some training in this area as well as student who elect Industrial Technology as a minor. The Industrial Technology Department at OPSU currently offers the following certificates and degrees:
Industrial Technology
Wind Energy/Maintenance Technology Certificate
Welding Technology
Industrial Arts courses have been part of Oklahoma Panhandle State University since its beginning in 1909. Pan-handle Agricultural Institute (PAC), now known as Oklahoma Panhandle State University, offered “Manual Training” in Carpentry, Farm Blacksmithing, and Drawing. In 1917 the “Manual Training” Department offered a new course in Machine Drawing. In February 1921 (PAI) became (PAMC) Junior College and what was known as “Manual Training” became “The Engineering Department” and offered courses in Woodworking, Mechanical drawing, Blacksmithing, Auto Mechanics, and Electricity. The students at PAI drew the plans and blueprints for the Cimarron County School District and the schools in Springfield, Colorado. One student said that he found his work at PAI comparable to two years of college when he entered the College of Engineering at Oklahoma University.
In the summer of 1926, junior and senior-level courses were added to the Curriculum. PAMC became a stable and well-known four-year university by the time it was 27 years old. The university underwent two additional name changes that were ordered by the legislature: in 1967, Oklahoma Panhandle State College of Agriculture and Applied Science; in 1974, Oklahoma Panhandle State University. The Industrial Arts building was built in 1967 and in 1969 the Board of Regents honored the request to name the building Carter Hall in honor of M.L. Carter who taught classes at PSC for 33 years.
What was known as Industrial Arts is now known as Industrial Technology with courses in Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Computer Numerical Control (CNC), Robotics, Woodworking, Welding, Carpentry, Applied Electricity, Power Mechanics, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, General Metals, and Leatherwork. The most popular classes are the Auto Mechanic, Woodworking, and Welding classes.
– Source: Heritage of the Panhandle. The History of PAI-PAMC-PSU 1909 TO 1979 by K.A. Sexton TXu-27-442