College of Business & Technology

The College of Business and Technology at OPSU offers five business degrees: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, Industrial Technology, and Technology with various options in each degree.

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The Accounting degree will prepare students to work in public accounting, private accounting, and governmental accounting areas.

DSC 1397

Business Administration

A Business Administration degree provides a flexible, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary study of functional areas related to the needs of business.

DSC 6037
Business Administration

Computer Information Systems

This degree builds a solid foundation based upon the five components of an information system: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people.

Vert CIS
Computer Information Systems

Industrial Technology

Industrial Technology provides skills and knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes, drafting & design concepts, and power & equipment technology.

IMG 2642
Industrial Technology


Explore OPSU programs in the field of Technology.

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